Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I must say, I know what it's like to have a case of the sniffles. Well, not just the sniffles, but a full-out head cold.

The constant runny nose that you wipe so much it becomes raw (there must be a better alternative by the way). The head that feels so stuffed you wouldn't mind taking it off to try and drain it. The ears that feel so stuffed, you can barely hear anything.

I know how crappy that feels - and I am sure most of you out there do too.

But you know what? I feel even worse seeing my poor son go through it.

He has been battling a cold for a few days now. Knock on wood we have been very lucky in terms of sickness with Kasey - especially since preemies are more susceptible to sickness. He has had a few colds, some runny noses and coughs. But, this is probably the worst one he has had.

On the way home from the in-laws last night, I felt so bad for him as he rode in the back seat - I could literally hear every breath that he took through his stuffy little nose. And he has been so tired because of it - he slept like a champ last night.

Hopefully he can break through this in the coming days. I would not look forward to Kasey being sick on an airplane. Plus, he deserves to have fun on both his birthday and his Disney trip.

Kano K.

1 comment:

Aimée - Vint Condition said...

Hey Keith. I don't know if this works directly for a cold, but to drain your sinuses, touch your tongue to the roof of your mouth while pressing between your eyes with one finger. Hold for at least 20 seconds. It should move a bone in your nose region that allows sinuses to drain. A bit gross but may be a good option since the skin around your nose is so irritated.