Saturday, June 9, 2012

A Weekend of Celebration

As promised, here is my food coma free update on the events of last weekend.

On Saturday, Keith and I dropped Kasey off at his Nana and Papa's house for a few hours.  On our way to lunch at Koto's, we stopped at Delish to pick up a couple of cupcakes to celebrate my birthday.  It was really tempting to eat them right away, but I held off long enough to eat lunch.  Koto was amazing, as always.  I let Keith humiliate me by having them sing Happy Birthday and take my picture.  In true fashion, my eyes were closed in the picture, but at least I got a free fried ice cream out of it!

Once we finished lunch, we went to pick up Kasey and we went straight to the ferry.  Kasey was irritated that we were going to the mall first and not Toys R Us, but his mood changed when we let him buy a vintage Star Wars figure at the mall.  After a quick jaunt around the mall, we headed to Toys R Us.  Surprisingly, Kasey didn't ask for anything.  I think this was the first time he's ever left the store without a toy in hand.  I, of course, had to go to Christmas Tree Shop.  That's where I always get my stuff for our 4th of July party, so I am happy to have that out of the way.  Our last stop was Chipotle.  I have to admit that I'm totally addicted to those fabulous burritos.  Granted, they're 1,000+ calories, but it is worth it!  Since the restaurant had just opened days before, the line was pretty long.  Of course I got stuck behind a bunch of pain in the ass college kids who were lucky to leave with their lives.  It was well worth the wait.  It was fantastic! 

With overfull bellies, we made our way home.  Before arriving at home, we had to stop at Gino's to get some ice cream (of course).  Then, we were finally able to relax a bit.  Kasey went to bed and Keith and I watched Footloose (the remake).

Sunday was FAR more relaxing.  We all got up when we felt like it (ie: I got up when the cat was meowing to be fed).  I decided I wanted to order Angelo's for lunch, so Keith, of course, obliged.  I have to admit that I was overfull and I crashed on the couch for hours.  Once Keith left for work, Kasey and I headed to do a little grocery shopping.  Other than that, we didn't do anything and it felt great!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy Belated Birthday Erika! I'm so glad you had a grreat day.
Mary Lee