Thursday, March 17, 2011

Sickness attacks the Kanes

So, this past couple of weeks we have all managed to get sick in some way. 

Kasey came down with a cold and fever a couple of weekends ago.  Luckily (I guess), we got well over two feet of snow that night, so Kasey was able to stay home and rest.  He ended up only going to school two days that week, which has helped him bounce back.  The bad news is that we went to his doctor's for another follow-up visit for the fluid in his ears and allergies.  The doctor saw fluid, again.  This makes it six months of fluid in his ears.  In six weeks, if the fluid is still there and his allergies are still out of whack, he has to go to an ENT to potentially get tubes and he has to go to an allergist.  Here's to hoping that we can get this all under control WITHOUT tubes.

On Tuesday, my dear husband called me at work to tell me that he was sick to his stomach.  I came home for lunch and Keith was acting like death had come upon him.  He managed to leave the house long enough to get Kasey.  Shortly after I walked through the door after work, he was in bed to sleep it off.  Luckily, the was all better the next morning, with the exception of a headache.

As for myself, my sickness has been brewing since Friday.  I have a bit of a cold, which has stuck around a lot longer than I wanted.  My complete lack of sleep for nearly three nights hasn't improved it any.  Hopefully I will catch up on sleep soon, so I can get on the mend.

Hope everyone else is in good health!



Unknown said...

I have been deathly sick too

Aimée - Vint Condition said...

You and your icky germs can stay right where you are. I love you all, of course, but we're staying germ free over this way.