Again, we have neglected this blog. I keep hoping my wife will post on here because she seems to do a lot better job remembering what exactly is happening in our lives than I do.
But, she has been major busy, as have I, so sometimes things get neglected.
Hopefully once the holidays die down we will be updating a lot more.
Anyway, Erika's uncle has put hardwood floors down in both our bedroom and Kasey's bedroom. The floors themselves look really nice. We were hoping to also do the eventual nursery downstairs, but we ran out of usable flooring.
Also, Kasey's room is on a bit of a slope, and he did his best to try and even things out - but it is still a little off. He went down in the basement to see why things were so off on that side of the house - and apparently our foundation is pretty much crumbling.
So, next spring we have to get our foundation repaired. Just add that to the huge list of things that always seems to happen - eventually we may end up ahead of the game, maybe.
Because of this, however, we were forced to cancel our cruise for next February. This was something I had planned on taking Erika on for one last hurrah before we decided to have another child. Because once we have two kids running around - vacations alone are pretty much nonexistent.
Anyway, despite not being able to go on a cruise we have come up with an alternative. Erika has to head West next year tovisit a few of her companies offices in both Blaine and Los Angeles. Well, her trip is paid for by her company - so I have decided to try and meet her in LA - just having to pay for tickets, food and whatever we do while we are out there.
I am actually pretty excited about this. I have never been west of Kansas City in my life - so this is pretty cool. Plus, one of my lifelong goals is to visit every NBA arena - and we have made plans to attend a Lakers/Clippers game while we are out there. So, one down - 31 to go. Haha.
Last week we had Thanksgiving. We were originally only going to my sister's house, but at the last minute we headed out to her aunt and uncle's for a Thanksgiving lunch. It was a pretty good meal - then we headed to my sister's and played some games before yet another meal for dinner.
We also for the first time, got to watch the Thanksgiving parade with Kasey. He liked seeing all the baloons, floats and singers. Of course, he wanted to leave though and I told him he couldn't leave until we saw Santa. So he kept saying, "Ho Ho Ho, I go." It was hilarious.
The only other major thing going on right now is I am wrapping up my first semester of college round two. I have two finals on Tuesday and a few things to wrap up as well before completing the semester on the 12th.
My friend, Matt, and I combined on a children's book for an assignment I had in my Children's Lit. class. I wrote up a story and he did the illustrations. In the near future I hope to have that up online so you can read it.
Anyway, guess that's all - try to update again before Christmas.
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