Monday, December 29, 2008

Christmas Time

Santa Claus was mighty good to the Kane household again this year.

Christmas started out sort of rocky, however, as I was supposed to get out of work at 11 a.m. on Christmas Eve. The company, however, made a mistake with our checks and I waited until 1:30 p.m. hoping to get mine. But, they didn't end up coming until 3:30.

Needless to say, some people were not very happy.

I ran up to the house and packed up the car while also picking up Erika for her parents Christmas Eve party. We picked Kasey up at my parents and went over to the party. We usually have a pretty good time spending time with family and friends.

Kasey got his first Christmas present from her grandparents - a little car that he loves.

We left around 8:30 and sprinted home to get Kasey ready for bed and prepare for the arrival of Santa. We forgot our camera and video camera at her parents, though, so Erika drove all the way back to get it so we could have some photos of Christmas morning.

I was pretty anxious about the next morning because I went a little overboard this year for Erika. She purchased me a Wii last year - so I thought I had to get her back.

Before I ran up to bed, I got one of her presents of the garage (that her dad had delivered earlier for me) and put it on the porch for the morning.

Christmas morning came and Kasey got a ton of presents from Santa and mom and dad. He got a lot of Mickey Mouse Clubhouse toys, and of course the grandaddy of them all - his tricycle.

I had a very good Christmas as well - Santa Erika got me three Wii games (Star Wars: Force Unleashed, Wario Shake It and Lego Batman), a new wireless sensor bar and a cool new gaming chair (which I am still trying to figure out).
Erika got a Nintendo DS and a Mario Kart game for it, a case for it, the David Cook CD, an American Idol Wii game, slippers and a brand new bike. She had been throwing hints for awhile now that she wanted one - so I thought it was time. I think she enjoyed her gifts. And now we are even.

After tidying up a bit, we bolted to her parents for Christmas there. Erika's brother got us a very nice Steelers portrait that we need to find a place for. We also got a corner desk for our computer, once we get the room situated. Erika and I both got a Penn State beach towel, while Erika got a Penn State blanket and a new purse. Kasey got a ton of stuff - including some Little People gear and Sesame Street, well everything.

Then we rode up to her grandparents for breakfast (I was starving at this time) and some more Christmas. Kasey received some more cars, some books and a t-shirt. Erika and I got some money, while I got some movie passes.

Finally, we headed to my parents house for one final Christmas with my family. Kasey got a huge bouncy horse which I am trying to have stay at their house. And we are all going to see Elmo in Sesame Street Live. I got Sonic Unleashed for Wii, Scrubs Season 7, the new Indiana Jones movie and Dark Knight - and a new Steelers long sleave shirt..

I guess that's it. It was an amazing, yet tiring day. It always seems to be.
Have a great new year.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

School & Christmas (Edited)

Well, I had been waiting to post here until I officially found out my grades for the semester. But, nothing has been updated as of yet - so I thought I would post anyway and if the grades come about I will edit.

Anyway, I completed my first semester back to school last Friday. I had a pair of finals on Tuesday, one of which was English that I had to go into class to take - then my math final which I took at Mark's house.

I believe I did pretty good on both. I had already finished my 20 book files and with the help of my friend Matt, completed a children's book (which again I hope to post at some point). I actually got an A+ on both projects - so I feel I did rather well in that class.

At the midway point in math I had an A-, and I did rather well the rest of the semester with a few exceptions on a couple of sections I was not quite understanding. But, I got a little help and think I did better with those on the final.

As for science, I had a C+ midway through, and in order to get the credit I need at Plattsburgh State, needed to get a B. I busted my butt the last few weeks of the semester, and got some help from Erika, and according to the site had an 85 at the end of the semester - so my calculations have me at a B. But, we will have to wait and see.

EDIT: I received my grades on Friday and managed an A in English, B+ in math and that all-important B in Science. It is a Merry Christmas, folks.

Christmas is right around the corner now and I am really looking forward to it. Kasey absolutely loves Santa (at least from a distance) and snow. He did rather well last year with Christmas, and another year older, I feel he will be pretty darn fun this year.

Tomorrow night I have my companies Christmas party and we are heading over to Erika's friends for a little while after that for another party. Saturday, I guess we are having dinner at her aunt's house. And Erika is hoping to finish her cookie baking this weekend as well.

Erika went shopping with her dad on Tuesday, so Kasey and I had dinner with my parents then went home. He actually wanted to get to bed early - so I wrapped Erika's and Cyle's presents while he slept and Erika was away.

We have also been doing our best with my 25 Days of Christmas movie watch that I started this year. You can check that out on the original Kano's Kogitation if you want. With so much going on and my final week of school, we got a little behind - but we are trying to catch up on them during the weekends.

Danielle and Mark got us a photo session at Sears for our Christmas present - and we did that last Saturday. I felt we got a lot of good shots, especially of Kasey. Not sure when those will be in, but I will post them when we get them.

We had tried to do family photos at Wal-Mart a few months back, but it went horribly and they did a pretty bad job. We were glad to get back to Sears, as they do a much better job, and having Dee take our pictures got Kasey a little more interested as well.

I guess that is pretty much it. I hope everyone has a great holiday, and we will do our best to get a posting about our Christmas.

Friday, December 5, 2008

Thanksgiving, Foundation & Beyond

Again, we have neglected this blog. I keep hoping my wife will post on here because she seems to do a lot better job remembering what exactly is happening in our lives than I do.

But, she has been major busy, as have I, so sometimes things get neglected.

Hopefully once the holidays die down we will be updating a lot more.

Anyway, Erika's uncle has put hardwood floors down in both our bedroom and Kasey's bedroom. The floors themselves look really nice. We were hoping to also do the eventual nursery downstairs, but we ran out of usable flooring.

Also, Kasey's room is on a bit of a slope, and he did his best to try and even things out - but it is still a little off. He went down in the basement to see why things were so off on that side of the house - and apparently our foundation is pretty much crumbling.

So, next spring we have to get our foundation repaired. Just add that to the huge list of things that always seems to happen - eventually we may end up ahead of the game, maybe.

Because of this, however, we were forced to cancel our cruise for next February. This was something I had planned on taking Erika on for one last hurrah before we decided to have another child. Because once we have two kids running around - vacations alone are pretty much nonexistent.

Anyway, despite not being able to go on a cruise we have come up with an alternative. Erika has to head West next year tovisit a few of her companies offices in both Blaine and Los Angeles. Well, her trip is paid for by her company - so I have decided to try and meet her in LA - just having to pay for tickets, food and whatever we do while we are out there.

I am actually pretty excited about this. I have never been west of Kansas City in my life - so this is pretty cool. Plus, one of my lifelong goals is to visit every NBA arena - and we have made plans to attend a Lakers/Clippers game while we are out there. So, one down - 31 to go. Haha.

Last week we had Thanksgiving. We were originally only going to my sister's house, but at the last minute we headed out to her aunt and uncle's for a Thanksgiving lunch. It was a pretty good meal - then we headed to my sister's and played some games before yet another meal for dinner.

We also for the first time, got to watch the Thanksgiving parade with Kasey. He liked seeing all the baloons, floats and singers. Of course, he wanted to leave though and I told him he couldn't leave until we saw Santa. So he kept saying, "Ho Ho Ho, I go." It was hilarious.

The only other major thing going on right now is I am wrapping up my first semester of college round two. I have two finals on Tuesday and a few things to wrap up as well before completing the semester on the 12th.

My friend, Matt, and I combined on a children's book for an assignment I had in my Children's Lit. class. I wrote up a story and he did the illustrations. In the near future I hope to have that up online so you can read it.

Anyway, guess that's all - try to update again before Christmas.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Kitten & The Flu Bug

It's been awhile since our last post, so I figured I could update you all a little.

Erika and I adopted yet another kitten last week. We were very saddened by the loss of our other kitten, Sydney, and were very torn if we were in fact going to get another one.

I had planned on surprising Erika with a new one for Christmas, but I couldn't get a real read on whether or not she wanted another one.

So finally I just asked her, and we decided to see if there were any around that we liked. And we found one at the Plattsburgh Animal Shelter.

We brought her home last Friday and named her Luna. It took a few days for the other two cats to warm up to her. Rusty was very curious the first time Luna came into the house, following her around for most of the day, trying to figure her out. Now, they seem to be the best of friends.

Hermione, however, has been a lot slower in warming up to our new kitten. She was not so welcoming, in fact, she even seemed to start hating Rusty again because he welcomed her in so quickly.

The first night, Hermione would not even be in the same room as her. The second night she would be in the same room, but not the same location. But now she seems to be pretty indifferent to her new guest. Her hissing has stopped, and she seems to have accepted her into the family.

Last night, Luna got the runs. It may be due to the new food she is on - so we are trying to figure out something - but that was pretty fun last night, let me tell you.

On Friday, my dad came down with the flu - he was pretty much out of commission for the entire weekend. Usually, when he gets sick - he really gets sick.

The flu has been roaming around the Plattsburgh area for around a month now. I have been a pretty healthy person for a good while - and can't honestly remember the last time I threw up due to being sick.

Well, I can now.

The flu caught up to me on Monday as I was driving home from work. I just didn't feel right; my body was really getting achy.

I walked in the house and told Erika I was not going to be able to eat dinner. Her uncle came up to look over the house - he's installing our new wood floors - and amazingly I made it through his entire visit.

I started to get really sore and had the cold chills - so I took a really hot bath to warm up and soak. After my bath, however, the bug hit me.

So, I was in bed for the rest of the night. Erika was going to be staying home the next day to take care of Kasey so I could rest.

Little did she know that the bug would be getting her in the morning as well.

So, Erika and I both stayed home from work on Tuesday as we nursed ourselves back to health. Kasey, unfortunately, had to stay the night at my parents so he wouldn't get sick. He ended up catching a cough anyway. But not the flu - knock on wood.

So, that's pretty much it. Just thought I would send out an update.

Kano K.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Small Update with Picture to Come Later

Keith told me to write a new blog, so here goes my best attempt…

Since we got back from Disney, life has been, well, chaotic. It seems like we can’t ever find a free moment to get anything done. We did go to the Brown’s house for Halloween and Kasey had a BLAST. He went as Pablo from the Backyardigans and he loved that everyone was dressed in funny costumes. I think next year will be even more fun!

As for me, I drastically cut back my waitressing hours and I now only work Saturday nights. I only want to work until the end of April or so and then I think I’ll be done. I’m really just working to pay for vacations anyway.

We bought Guitar Hero: World Tour and it is a lot of fun to play. The only problem is that Kasey wants to play whatever instrument I am playing and cries because he can’t get his way. I guess there are worse things in life. Hopefully we will get to rock our faces off more in the coming weeks.

On Tuesday, Keith voted for the first time. I think he was a little nervous about the whole process, but I wrote down exactly what he needed to do, so he wouldn’t feel naïve about the process. When he came home from voting, he looked so proud. It made me happy. That’s what this country is all about voting and being proud of that right. However, Keith became a bit obsessed later in the evening and he stayed up until the new president was announced. That wouldn’t be a problem, if I wasn’t woken up in the process. :)

Finally, one of my best friends is moving back to Plattsburgh. That’s right! Aimee and Jaramy are making their return trip to our little town soon and I couldn’t be happier. I hate it when friends live so far away!

Other than that, not much has been going on. Work is crazy, as usual, and I am looking forward to a relatively stress-free weekend for a change.

Kano E

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Our Disney Trip

This could be a rather long posting, as it has been awhile since we were able to post, and our vacation had a lot of fun and interesting things. I have decided to post this as sort of a daily log, but of course my memory certainly can get mixed up, but hopefully everything is on the right date.

Our vacation didn’t start until Sunday, Oct. 19, but the fun certainly began on Friday – so we’ll start there.

Friday, Oct. 17

The night was just wrapping up, and like always I had to let the dog out before we went upstairs for the night. A few months back I had let her out and noticed a cat sitting in our lawn, which she also noticed and proceeded to chase after – even getting off of her lead.
So, needless to say, every time since then I have carefully looked outside before letting the dog out.

This time, however, it didn’t matter. I checked like I always do, but apparently hiding under my wife’s car was a skunk – and a skunk is what my dog decided to go after. Yup, you guessed it – Abby got skunked.

I think we may have lucked out, however, if you can luck out with your dog getting skunked. The skunk was under my wife’s car and when it sprayed almost all of it struck the tire of the car – with just a little landing on Abby.

This started a pretty frantic night in the Kane household, as we had to give Abby a bath. Bear in mind that Erika had just cleaned the floors and the bathrooms. Abby’s hair was EVERYWHERE. When Erika went downstairs to get Abby’s towel, she stepped in puke from Hermione. Apparently she got sick when she was sitting on the kitchen table and she threw up on the table and the floor. This wasn’t the end, though, as for some reason (possibly the smell) Abby began puking – and puking pretty much nonstop. After we thought she had calmed down, we went up to bed – but two hours later she was puking again. We brought her downstairs and she had some water, but she couldn’t keep that down either. Unfortunately, we had to call the vet to find out what we could do. Not only were we worried about Abby, but she was heading to the kennel the next day to stay for the week.

The vet told us to give Abby some pepto bismol, and lucky for her I always have at least one bottle around at all times. We waited another half hour, and it must have worked because Abby slept through the night and was fine the next morning. The smell also apparently upset Hermione’s stomach, because she vomited a handful times over the next few days too – but she also appears to be fine now.

Saturday, Oct. 18

This was the day that we celebrated Kasey’s 2nd birthday with friends and family as we were going to be in Disney World for his actual birthday.

We got up and got everything ready – including finishing up some last minute things around the house. We loaded everything into the car, including Abby, and Kasey and I were dropped off at Erika’s parents’ house for the party while Erika dropped off the dog and picked up Kasey’s birthday cake.

The day went pretty well as we were able to hang out with friends and family, Kasey received a ton of new presents – and did a much better job with his cake this year.

After the party, we hung out with Mark, Danielle and Jack for part of the night before heading home to finish up some packing – and I had to finish up some homework.

Sunday, Oct. 19

We jumped in our car around 6:30 a.m. and headed across the bridge to Vermont to drive to the airport. Our flight left at 9:05 a.m. and luckily we were able to fly directly to Orlando on a JetBlue flight.

This was Kasey’s second airplane trip (well third overall) as we had taken him to Disney World last year as well. He was amazing the first trip, and for the most part he was wonderful again this time. He did get bored around the end of hour two, and wanted to walk around – but he didn’t scream/cry that bad.

We arrived in Orlando around noon, but we weren’t able to get into our condo until 4 p.m.

We went and picked up the rental car, and immediately realized that seven people and all that luggage were never going to fit into the car at the same time. So, Shannon and Cyle rented a convertible for the day so that we could all make it to the condo.

We went up to the Boardwalk Inn in hopes of getting into the ESPN Club so we could watch the Steelers game, but the line was huge – we went to this other place in the same area and had a pretty nice lunch, and wasted just enough time so that we could get into the condo.

The condo was really nice: four bedrooms, three bathrooms, a kitchen area, living room area and dining room area. The only thing that stunk on day one – No Cable.

We took Kasey to the pool that night, but with the darkness and the wind – it was way too cold and his lips were shivering.

We ended up playing a few games before heading up to bed to get ready for the week of Disney.

Monday, Oct. 20

On Monday, we went to Disney’s Hollywood Studios. I am not sure if we planned this day out very well – but we decided to go to Muppet Vision 3D first – Kasey watched the show, but wouldn’t wear his 3D glasses.

After the show, we walked out right where they had the Lightning McQueen and Mater cars from the movie Cars. Which is Kasey’s absolute favorite movie right now – so we got some pictures with them. We also decided it would be best to get Kasey an autograph book in case we were able to meet up with some characters – so we purchased that and a pen for later use.

We also got to see the stunt show they have there for the first time, and Kasey really enjoyed it – except they take timeout between each stunt – so he immediately got bored. Once the motorcycles came out, he was loving it again.

We went on Star Tours and Tower of Terror. Other members of the family went and saw the Indiana Jones show, and went on the Great Movie Ride – I stayed back and watched Kasey.

We finished with the Little Mermaid Show, and Kasey got to meet June and Quincy from Little Einsteins and Handy Manny from Handy Manny.

We had a pretty nice late lunch/early dinner at this buffet-type restaurant, Hollywood and Vine, that Erika had made reservations for before we headed down. And with eating here we got a special entrance to the Fantasmic show later that night, which was actually the conclusion of the day for all of us. Kasey got a light up wand that he played with before the show, and I think he actually liked this show – especially seeing Mickey.

The reason I don’t think we planned the day out very well is because we weren’t able to get on the Aerosmith Roller Coaster or the brand new Toy Story ride. I think if we had gotten some fast passes as soon as we arrived, we may have been able to get on at least one of those. But, I think we learned our lesson for the most part – as we didn’t make that mistake in the other parks.

Tuesday, Oct. 21

On Tuesday, our park destination was Animal Kingdom. Here is where we wised up a little bit. The best ride at Animal Kingdom is Expedition Everest, which fills up rather quickly. So, Cyle, Erika and Shannon handed me their park tickets and I raced to the fast pass and got each of us a ticket for later in the day.

The first ride we always seem to get on first is the African Safari ride. This was pretty interesting as we were able to see quite a few animals this time around. Kasey enjoyed seeing all of the animals from his books up close and personal. The animals are most active at the beginning and end of the day, so there were quite a few out.

We did, however, forget to bring Kasey’s cup with us. This is the second time in as many years we had forgotten his cup when going to Animal Kingdom. This park appears to never have cups for children, but Kasey selected a giant Safari Mickey bottle with a straw, and despite chewing on the straw it seemed to work out for the best.

After hitting Expedition Everest, we hit a place for lunch which we thought was McDonald’s, but it turned out to be just a burger and hot dog place. Either way it was better than the alternatives.
After lunch, my parents, Cyle, Shannon and I went on the dinosaur ride – Erika refuses to ride that ride again as she hates dinosaurs, so she spent the time with Kasey.

Immediately following the ride we managed to be the last group of people to sneak into the Finding Nemo musical show – Erika almost didn’t make it as she had to bring Kasey’s stroller to the stroller parking lot. The show was pretty entertaining; Kasey enjoyed it for awhile, but lost interest. The guy that portrayed Crush the Turtle had a pretty nice voice. One of the big drawbacks was that we had to stand the whole time.

We got some ice cream and Shannon and Cyle went to a bird show. My mom staked out a spot for the parade in this perfect area with a table while Erika, my dad, Kasey and I went on a train ride to the conservatory. Here, Kasey got to meet Jiminy Cricket and Pocahontas. Kasey had his picture taken with Pocahontas, but he was looking down her dress. We forgot to bring his autograph book, but the pictures should make up for it.

We joined up with the rest of the group and watched the parade which was really nice, then left the park a little early.

On the way home we stopped for an all-you-can-eat dinner at CiCi’s – “Hello. Welcome to CiCi’s” – which was our first time in that restaurant. I really enjoyed it. I had a handful of different types of pizza and desserts. My favorite was the barbecue pizza. It was nice until a HUGE group of people showed up.

Wednesday, Oct. 22

Today was Kasey’s birthday and we had a dinner scheduled at 4 p.m. to have dinner with the Winnie the Pooh characters at the Crystal Palace in the Magic Kingdom.

This day was mainly about Kasey for the first part of it, which was perfectly fine with me. We rode on the Snow White ride, Peter Pan, Dumbo, the carousel and It’s A Small World – all before it got crowded.

We had chicken, fries and grapes for lunch – then went on the Haunted Mansion ride.

Erika, Cyle, Shannon and I broke off from the group and rode Splash Mountain, Thunder Mountain and Space Mountain, then met up with my parents and Kasey for a quick ride on Buzz Lightyear’s shooting game. Cyle ended up winning this round, but Kasey gave him a run for his money.

Kasey then got to drive on the race cars, which was probably his favorite ride – because he wanted to drive all by himself and didn’t want to get off. Unfortunately his steering is less than adequate and it was throwing Kasey around the car, so Erika had to steer, which made Kasey really mad.

I believe the last ride of the night was Pirates of the Caribbean which Kasey also enjoyed, especially the scenes with the dogs, pigs and kittens.

Dinner was pretty amazing – although the buffet line wasn’t as great as the first day, it still was pretty filling. Kasey loved having the characters come see him, as long as they didn’t touch him. Eeyore made the mistake of coming up from behind Kasey and scared him. But, we got his, Pooh’s, Piglet’s and Kasey’s favorite, Tigger’s autograph. Kasey had a nice meal that was topped off with a birthday cake.

The Spectromagic parade was later that night, so again we found a bench and planted ourselves there until the parade started. My dad, Cyle and I walked across and played this shooting game – which I ended up beating Cyle (and we are tied again).

Finally, I saw that Donald Duck was out signing autographs, so my mom and I took Kasey over to see him. He loves Donald and tries to talk like him.

The parade was awesome, and Alice in Wonderland even talked to Kasey as she went by. The parade ended with Pluto giving Kasey a high-five. We met a really nice family from England that helped pass the waiting time.

On our way to the car, Kasey kept singing, “Tigger, Tigger, Tigger, Tigger.” It was adorable and I think he had a really great time.

Thursday, Oct. 23

On Thursday, we hit the final park of the quartet, EPCOT. This is my least favorite of the four parks, and there isn’t as much to do there unless you plan on spending a lot of time in the different countries. So this was a short day for us – at least at the parks.

Erika literally sprinted over to Soarin’ and got everyone a fast pass for the ride, then we all went on Test Track, which was my first time on the ride. It was pretty fun and got going pretty fast.

As we were walking over to Soarin’ we ran into some employees of the park, and it was sort of like the right place at the right time because they handed each of us a ticket that had a fast pass for each of the six main rides at the park.

When we went on Soarin’ my dad took Kasey on the Finding Nemo ride. Soarin’, which was also my first time riding it, was also fun. They take you up high right in front of this huge screen and it feels like you are literally soaring through these different parts of the world, complete with smells and air. A few spots you even feel like you are going to hit something.

We grabbed something to eat at America (haha) and Kasey had his first run in with a princess. It was Snow White and he absolutely fell in love. She gave him a huge smooch on the cheek and left a red lipstick mark on his face for the rest of the day.

As we walked past China, I believe, Kasey got in line to see Mushu from Mulan. Whom he continued to call Achoo.

We rode the Norway ride and skipped the boring film afterwards, which seemed to be everyone’s choice. Erika, Shannon and Cyle went off to ride Mission Space while the rest of us looked around a shop. Then Kasey and my parents went back to the condo.

The rest of us jumped on the monorail and went back to Magic Kingdom hitting some of the rides we missed the first time around. We went to the Monster’s Inc. Laugh Floor (I even made it on the television screen), the carousel of progress and rode Buzz Lightyear again (I won this time, and I believe that’s 2-1).

Finally, we squeezed four grown adults into the teacups ride. What a sight that must have been to see from the outside. All I know is I felt like a sardine, but we all laughed really hard and had a great time.

We jumped on a bus and rode over to Hollywood Studios where we tried to jump on the rides we missed. But, again, we weren’t able to get on either one – but we did ride Tower of Terror again.

The night ended with us trying to get to Downtown Disney so my parents could pick us up to go back to the condo. If you haven’t been to Disney, there are no buses from the parks to Downtown Disney (this is so people don’t take advantage of free parking), so you have to go to a hotel first, then get on another bus. It took awhile, but we managed to do it.

Friday, Oct. 24

On Friday, we were going to go to SeaWorld, but with the added cost and nobody else joining us we decided against it.

We went back out to Hollywood Studios, and this time we were able to ride the Aerosmith ride. Unfortunately, another day passed without getting on the new Toy Story ride – so our chance to ride it was gone.

We made this another short day and went back to the condo to relax a bit and play some games.

Erika and I were meeting up with our friends Tiffany and Tony that night. We set out for Downtown Disney around 4 p.m. and got in some major shopping, basically getting everything we could for Kasey (I think he owns everything Cars now).

They also have this new T-Rex Restaurant there, which has a Build-A-Dino inside (much like Build-A-Bear), so Erika and I made Kasey a dinosaur.

We finished up our shopping and took all of the gear to the car. My parents, Kasey, Cyle and Shannon all went to the Rain Forest Café for dinner. After that we picked up Kasey and met up with Tiffany and Tony, and walked around Downtown Disney, they hadn’t seen Kasey since last year.

The four of us went to Planet Hollywood for dinner which was pretty amusing. Erika got this drink called the Blue Lagoon, complete with plastic shark which we gave to Kasey.

We finished the night at this Irish Pub in Downtown Disney and caught up for awhile. It was really nice to see them again; we always have such a good time and wish they lived up here.

Saturday, Oct. 25

I had decided that no matter where we went to on Saturday that I was going to do my best to get as many autographs and pictures with characters for Kasey as possible. We ended up heading back to Magic Kingdom, and I think we made the right choice.

We walked over to Toon Town and got in line, not really knowing who we were even seeing. The lady in charge said it was for the princesses – which Kasey seems to enjoy, and probably won’t the next time we go, so I was happy to take him this time. We waited in line for a good 45 minutes, as they opened late – but it was worth it.

They took us into this backroom and Cinderella, Belle and Aurora were all standing there. Kasey met Cinderella first and got her autograph and picture. There was only one other kid in there, but once he was finished we were all alone with the three princesses. Next he met Belle – and boy was she gorgeous – I tried to get Kasey to make a date with her for later that night, but he didn’t. He finally met Aurora, and then all of the princesses gathered around him. He is such a ladies’ man.

Next, we went through Mickey’s house. This is sort of a well-kept secret, because behind Mickey’s house is this tent that not a lot of people were in line for. At the end of this line? Mickey Mouse himself. So Kasey got his autograph and photo – then the family took a photo with him.

At this time, the sun came out so I was putting on sunscreen and the penguin from Mary Poppins was standing all by himself down this hidden area – so Kasey ran down with mommy and gramma and got his picture taken.

As we were heading over for lunch, we saw Alice in Wonderland and the Mad Hatter, but unfortunately the line had just closed before we got there. We did, however, get Cinderella’s stepmother and evil stepsisters (which I am told is a rare find).

After lunch, we were going to take Kasey on Aladdin’s Magic Carpet ride, but as we were walking over we ran into Capt. Hook and Mr. Smee, so Kasey got their autographs and a photo with them. The ride was way too long to wait for, so we got in line to see Jasmine and Aladdin instead.

It was getting pretty hot, so we caught some shade and I thought of heading up to the front to see how long the lines for the characters up there were.

We managed to be third in line for Pluto, and then finished up our character search with Chip & Dale.

Kasey started out pretty apprehensive about the characters, but by the end of the trip he was running up to them to get their autographs and posing for pictures. Especially the princesses. He was pretty fun to watch.

We went back to the condo, got some packing and swimming in, and then went to the Cracker Barrel for supper.

It is only fair to note that almost every night we played cards and every time that Erika and Shannon were partners, they beat Cyle and me. The only night they were losing was when Shannon quit to go to bed.

Sunday, Oct. 26

This was a pretty long day.

We had to leave the condo by 10 a.m. so my dad took Erika, my mom, Shannon and Kasey to the Florida Mall to walk around (which we later found out didn’t open until noon).

Cyle and I stayed back then loaded the car with the luggage and headed out to meet them at the mall. At 11 a.m. Ruby Tuesday’s opened and we went in for lunch. Erika and Cyle each ordered the colossal burger (and colossal it was).

After lunch we walked around the mall until around 2:30 then dad took Cyle and I to the airport and unloaded us with the luggage – then went back for everyone else.

The plane didn’t board until just after 6 p.m. and we weren’t expecting to land in Burlington until 9:15 p.m.

Needless to say, Kasey was exhausted, so the trip back was pretty difficult. He had such a hard time finding a spot where he would fall asleep. He finally did, however, after a long struggle of screaming and crying.

After landing, I went and got the car while my dad helped get our luggage. Then it was off to the house. We got back around 11 p.m. with Kasey exhausted from the trip – and us too.

But, it was definitely worth it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008


So, in preparations for Disney I realized that one backpack and a large purse just wasn’t going to cut it for our carryons. With that being said, I tried to think of other options, such as bringing another backpack. I actually went out and bought Kasey a toddler sized backpack, but his little cars and books are just too heavy for my wobbly little guy.

In an act of desperation, I opted to look into this marvelous little invention called “Trunki”. This item is a kid sized suitcase that they can ride on. You heard me right! It is called Terrance and it has “horns” for Kasey to hold on to and a tow strap to pull him with. I’ll post some pictures at the end. What was holding me back from buying it was that it is supposed to be for ages 3 and up, but I read a lot of reviews and kids as young as 18 months loved this thing. To top it all off, it is just small enough to still fit under the seat on the plane, so Kasey’s stuff would be readily accessible. I went to eBay and found this fantastic seller that was willing to send it out by Priority Mail TODAY, so I would have it by Friday. Can you say wonderful? Everything just worked out perfectly. Now all I have to do is pack it and show Kasey how to ride it.

Now I am a little calmer and I am just hoping to get everything up to the counter to check the baggage and then I can breathe a little easier. Wish us luck!

Kano E

Monday, October 13, 2008

Pumpkins, Bees, Work and Chaos

So, this weekend was another busy one.

Saturday, at 10:00 we met Dee, Mark, Jack, and Kate at the pumpkin patch. Much to our surprise, the wagon rides didn’t start until 11:00, so we kept the kids busy with the animals, apples and all of the other fun stuff at Banker’s. Finally, around 10:30 or 10:45, the tractors starting roaring, so we ran into line. Unfortunately, we missed the first wagon, so we had to wait about 5-10 minutes for the next tractor to come along. During our waiting session, there were a lot of bees around. It had gotten warm, so I went to put mine and Kasey’s coats in the car. Much to my surprise, Kasey managed to get stung in the cheek by a bee. Surprisingly, he didn’t even cry. His cheek was puffy and red because Kasey and I wouldn’t leave it alone. After a little while the swelling went down and I put anti-itch gel on it. The actual pumpkin patch was pretty fun. Kasey and Jack just ran around in the field and got dirty. In the end, they ended up playing with a bunch of gourds.

After the pumpkin patch, we ran to Walmart and Sam’s Club to pick up a few things and to order Kasey’s birthday cake. Well, Kasey peed through his pants, so it was back to Walmart to buy new pants. We finally made it to Dee & Mark’s for a day of pizza and playing. Mid-afternoon we left because I had to go to work. Can you say chaotic day?? :)

Work this weekend was pretty good. I made quite a bit in tips and had some amazing pie (since I didn’t have time to have dinner either night). One more night and I am done working for 2 ½ weeks. At this time next week, I will be having some fun at Disney’s Hollywood Studios with the whole New York Kane Clan and I can hardly wait.

Kano E

Friday, October 10, 2008

Midterm, Haircut & Mall Trip

Well, I guess I am officially half-way through my first semester back to school. I had my first midterm on Thursday.

It was in my English class, and I took some really great notes. I think I did rather well, except I was the first one done - then waited outside for the next person to come out - which wasn't for 20 minutes. That always gets me worried, but honestly I write pretty fast - so perhaps that is why I was done way before everyone else.

Anyway, I had to leave work a little early yesterday because Kasey and I were scheduled for haircuts. I have been going to the same lady since I was in high school, and she is also now cutting Kasey's hair. With Disney coming up in a couple of weeks, we needed to get in there and she was on vacation next week.

So, I met Kasey there around 3:20 after I picked up Erika's gas cap. He was almost done already. He has certainly come along way since his first haircut. It's pretty routine for him now - as long as he has his raisins.

I got my haircut then met up with Erika, Kasey and my mom and we experienced our new Target. Now, it wasn't an elaborate look as Erika also had a haircut to get to, but we were able to go in and look around.

I was pretty impressed with everything, they have a lot of stuff in the store - a lot more selection then any other store in the area. I didn't get a real chance to check out the prices and compare, but I am sure I will be back soon enough.

My one thought, however, is that there was no entrance from the mall. The only way in is through the front doors outside. Now, there is an overhead door that looks to be an entrance inside the mall, but as we walked through Target - the only doors even remotely close to that area were emergency exits. A little odd I think - once the winter hits, it's going to be a pain walking outside to get back into the mall.

But, that was our little outing yesterday. Also, Kasey appears to be feeling a lot better now. And today, has only had to get his nose wiped a few times. So, that is definitely a plus.

Kano K

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cars suck

Today was NOT a very good day. Work was hectic, as all Thursdays are and to top it all off, my check engine light came on. Normally, this wouldn't be a problem, but my inspection is scheduled for TUESDAY. Yeah! So, I had to leave work early to go visit the idiots at Autozone in Plattsburgh. Needless to say, they were clear as mud. Its either my gas cap or my Evap system. Way to narrow it down... So, I was pissed and left. Keith picked up my gas cap for me and now I have to drive 100 miles to see if the damn light will go off. Hopefully, it does.

After that I went to the mall to see Kasey get his haircut. He's so much better at it now. He looks like such a little man. I makes me want to cry. As for the rest of our mall trip, I will let Keith fill you in.

I am still counting down the days until Disney. I SO need a real vacation. That's about all for now. Take care.

Kane E


So, last night, as I do every Wednesday night, I went to my other job and waitressed for three hours. Well, it should have been three hours, but it ended up being three and a half. When I first walked in, I thought it was going to be a really slow night, like last Wednesday. Boy was I wrong! Around 6:00, it got busy and didn’t stop until 8:10. Keep in mind that the diner closes at 8:00 and I was the only waitress, so I still had to clean the whole place. Needless to say, I wasn’t happy because I just wanted to get home to my family. When I cashed in my tips, it made me feel a lot better. I still was unhappy about staying late, but I made really good money for a Wednesday night.

At 8:40, I called Keith to see if Kasey was still up and he informed me that Kasey had passed out on his pillow in the living room 20 minutes earlier. I wished he would have taken pictures because he looked so cute sleeping on Dada’s pillow with his little butt sticking up in the air.

It really kills me to not be spending as much time with my family as I could, but with the economy the way it is, we really need to have more of a financial cushion. It’ll probably only be until spring anyway.

On a happier note, I called Disney today to order Kasey’s birthday cake. It will have Mickey’s face and it will just say “Happy Birthday.” It was $21 whether I got “Happy 2nd Birthday Kasey” or Mickey’s face, so I figured I go with Mickey since Kasey LOVES him. Next Tuesday I will be ordering his cake for his birthday party. Can you guess what it is?? That’s right, it’s a Mickey Mouse cake. Do you see a trend here?

I am nearly packed for our trip, which is a huge relief. I really can’t wait to go. I think that Kasey is going to have an amazing time, even though he probably won’t remember it. Once we get back, we will be heavily potty training. Wish us luck.

That’s about all for now. Hopefully I will have something more to post tonight.

Kano E

Wednesday, October 8, 2008


I must say, I know what it's like to have a case of the sniffles. Well, not just the sniffles, but a full-out head cold.

The constant runny nose that you wipe so much it becomes raw (there must be a better alternative by the way). The head that feels so stuffed you wouldn't mind taking it off to try and drain it. The ears that feel so stuffed, you can barely hear anything.

I know how crappy that feels - and I am sure most of you out there do too.

But you know what? I feel even worse seeing my poor son go through it.

He has been battling a cold for a few days now. Knock on wood we have been very lucky in terms of sickness with Kasey - especially since preemies are more susceptible to sickness. He has had a few colds, some runny noses and coughs. But, this is probably the worst one he has had.

On the way home from the in-laws last night, I felt so bad for him as he rode in the back seat - I could literally hear every breath that he took through his stuffy little nose. And he has been so tired because of it - he slept like a champ last night.

Hopefully he can break through this in the coming days. I would not look forward to Kasey being sick on an airplane. Plus, he deserves to have fun on both his birthday and his Disney trip.

Kano K.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


So, I guess I am now a blogger. I sure hope that I'm not totally boring, but I don't do a whole lot. I also see that I am now going to be called "Kano E." I have no idea where Keith came up with that from, but I am no longer Erika. We'll call it my alter-ego.

Anyway... Kasey is still a bit miserable with a stuffy nose and the molars coming in. We haven't been able to confirm that the teeth are the problem as Kasey won't let us in his mouth. Hopefully he will be better by the time we go to Disney.

Speaking of Disney, I call down there and order his birthday cake tomorrow. I think I am more excited than everyone else. Mom Kane and Shannon both had family t-shirts made, so we will be THAT family that are all wearing the same shirt. They are actually pretty neat. I am nearly done packing, thank God.

The new second job is crazy. I actually enjoy waitressing as I love people. It's just really physically exhausting on the weekends. The money is pretty good though, so I won't complain much.

So, in a week and a half, Kasey will have his birthday party in Plattsburgh and then it's off to see Mickey! This weekend we are going to the pumpkin patch with the Browns. It promises to be tons of fun. We also plan on braving Target at some point.

Well, I guess that is all for now. Hopefully I will have something else to say at some point. Take care all! Until then, enjoy these photos of my Peanut Butter.
Love, Kano E

Kasey with my Uncle's bunnies. He just threw a carrot at them.

This is what happens with an M&M cookie when it melts.

He finally found one he could pick up. He was so proud to show me.

He actually just wanted this gourd and to ride in the wagon. Who knew it was so simple?

Wife to Join the Fray

I have opened up this blog to now be a family blog. My wife will also be posting blogs when the mood strikes her.

At the conclusion of each we will put our signatures (Kano K. or Kano E.) to let all of you know that care which one of us wrote the blog.

I think it should be fun to share this blog with my wife, hopefully the mood will strike her often.


Kano K.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Birthday, Pumpkins & Asses

This past weekend was pretty busy.

On Friday, the family went to Koto Japanese Steakhouse for my sister's birthday. She is catching up to me in terms of age.

This is a very nice/expensive restaurant, which Erika and I had only been to once before. This was, however, the first time we were bringing Kasey.

I was unsure how he would react to the little show the chef puts on, but I was hoping he enjoyed it. After going through it, I am even more unsure if he enjoyed it or not. When things first got started I think he was a little scared of the chef's gigantic red hat. So, he came and sat on my lap for the duration. Despite looking scared, he wouldn't look away. I think he was intrigued with what was happening - but still a bit frightened.

I got the chicken and shrimp meal, and I have to tell you it is amazing. Erika got the filet and I snuck a bite of that too - it was also outstanding. We got Kasey a chicken meal, but he didn't eat a thing. Uncle Cyle polished Kasey's off that night, however, I am told.

As dinner wound down, Aunt Shannon got an ice cream surprise as the employees sang 'Happy Birthday' to her. The owne also took a snapshot, which I tried to get out of the way for - but still managed to get my mug in the photo.

After dinner, we went back to my parents for cake and ice cream. Kasey had no problem eating this time.

On Saturday, we decided to take Kasey to the pumpkin patch because it was such a beautiful day. Grandma, grandpa and Aunt Shannon met us there. Kasey had fun running around and seeing the various animals, although he was more interested in putting all of the balls in the buckets. He also enjoyed trying to pick up pumpkins that were the same size as he was. He definitely has muscles.

We wanted to try and check out the new Target, but Erika had to head home for work.

Kasey got to stay up a lot longer than usual, but he was definitely starting to doze off on our way home, so we put him up for his nap when we got home. After Erika had left for work, Kasey woke up and I couldn't stop him from crying. I couldn't tell what was wrong - I got him a drink, got him a snack, but nothing worked. He did finally settle down and had a snack.

That night, Kasey woke up with the same screams and tears as he had with his nap. We are now believing that he is getting his molars and the pain is what is waking him up. We got him some medicine and he slept through the rest of the night.

On Sunday, Uncle Cyle & Aunt Shannon came up for the day. Erika made some lasagna for lunch and we watched the football game. It was a pretty lazy day, although I was able to catch up on my science homework.

After Aunt Shannon and Uncle Cyle left, Kasey and I decided to surprise mommy at work for dinner. She enjoyed seeing Kasey and helped her get through the rest of the night. After dinner, Kasey and I went home to play some more before he went to bed.

After catching up on my Survivor with Erika when she got home, and finishing a quiz for science, I watched most of the Steeler game before heading to bed.

The weekends are fun, but definitely too short. I am already looking forward to the next one.