Thursday, November 20, 2008

New Kitten & The Flu Bug

It's been awhile since our last post, so I figured I could update you all a little.

Erika and I adopted yet another kitten last week. We were very saddened by the loss of our other kitten, Sydney, and were very torn if we were in fact going to get another one.

I had planned on surprising Erika with a new one for Christmas, but I couldn't get a real read on whether or not she wanted another one.

So finally I just asked her, and we decided to see if there were any around that we liked. And we found one at the Plattsburgh Animal Shelter.

We brought her home last Friday and named her Luna. It took a few days for the other two cats to warm up to her. Rusty was very curious the first time Luna came into the house, following her around for most of the day, trying to figure her out. Now, they seem to be the best of friends.

Hermione, however, has been a lot slower in warming up to our new kitten. She was not so welcoming, in fact, she even seemed to start hating Rusty again because he welcomed her in so quickly.

The first night, Hermione would not even be in the same room as her. The second night she would be in the same room, but not the same location. But now she seems to be pretty indifferent to her new guest. Her hissing has stopped, and she seems to have accepted her into the family.

Last night, Luna got the runs. It may be due to the new food she is on - so we are trying to figure out something - but that was pretty fun last night, let me tell you.

On Friday, my dad came down with the flu - he was pretty much out of commission for the entire weekend. Usually, when he gets sick - he really gets sick.

The flu has been roaming around the Plattsburgh area for around a month now. I have been a pretty healthy person for a good while - and can't honestly remember the last time I threw up due to being sick.

Well, I can now.

The flu caught up to me on Monday as I was driving home from work. I just didn't feel right; my body was really getting achy.

I walked in the house and told Erika I was not going to be able to eat dinner. Her uncle came up to look over the house - he's installing our new wood floors - and amazingly I made it through his entire visit.

I started to get really sore and had the cold chills - so I took a really hot bath to warm up and soak. After my bath, however, the bug hit me.

So, I was in bed for the rest of the night. Erika was going to be staying home the next day to take care of Kasey so I could rest.

Little did she know that the bug would be getting her in the morning as well.

So, Erika and I both stayed home from work on Tuesday as we nursed ourselves back to health. Kasey, unfortunately, had to stay the night at my parents so he wouldn't get sick. He ended up catching a cough anyway. But not the flu - knock on wood.

So, that's pretty much it. Just thought I would send out an update.

Kano K.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Small Update with Picture to Come Later

Keith told me to write a new blog, so here goes my best attempt…

Since we got back from Disney, life has been, well, chaotic. It seems like we can’t ever find a free moment to get anything done. We did go to the Brown’s house for Halloween and Kasey had a BLAST. He went as Pablo from the Backyardigans and he loved that everyone was dressed in funny costumes. I think next year will be even more fun!

As for me, I drastically cut back my waitressing hours and I now only work Saturday nights. I only want to work until the end of April or so and then I think I’ll be done. I’m really just working to pay for vacations anyway.

We bought Guitar Hero: World Tour and it is a lot of fun to play. The only problem is that Kasey wants to play whatever instrument I am playing and cries because he can’t get his way. I guess there are worse things in life. Hopefully we will get to rock our faces off more in the coming weeks.

On Tuesday, Keith voted for the first time. I think he was a little nervous about the whole process, but I wrote down exactly what he needed to do, so he wouldn’t feel naïve about the process. When he came home from voting, he looked so proud. It made me happy. That’s what this country is all about voting and being proud of that right. However, Keith became a bit obsessed later in the evening and he stayed up until the new president was announced. That wouldn’t be a problem, if I wasn’t woken up in the process. :)

Finally, one of my best friends is moving back to Plattsburgh. That’s right! Aimee and Jaramy are making their return trip to our little town soon and I couldn’t be happier. I hate it when friends live so far away!

Other than that, not much has been going on. Work is crazy, as usual, and I am looking forward to a relatively stress-free weekend for a change.

Kano E